Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America

Alex W. Barker and Timothy R. Pauketat, Editors

Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association Number 3


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Introduction: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America
Alex W. Barker and Timothy R. Pauketat

Mississippian Elites and Solar Alignments–A Reflection of Managerial Necessity, or Levers of Social Inequality?
Bruce D. Smith

The Reign and Ruin of the Lords of Cahokia: A Dialectic of Dominance
Timothy R. Pauketat

Fort Ancient Has No Class: The Absence of an Elite Group in Mississippian Societies in the Central Ohio Valley
James B. Griffin

Powhatan’s Pursestrings: On the Meaning of Surplus in a Seventeenth Century Algonkian Chiefdom
Alex W. Barker

In the Best of Health? Disease and Trauma Among the Mississippian Elite
Mary Lucas Powell

Chiefly Behavior: Evidence from Sixteenth Century Spanish Accounts
Marvin T. Smith and David J. Hally

Communal Societies and the Emergence of Elites in the Prehistoric American Southeast
Michael S. Nassaney

Coles Creek Period Social Organization and Evolution in Northeast Louisiana
Tristram R. Kidder

Political Offices and Political Structure: Ethnohistoric and Archaeological Perspectives on the Native Lords of Apalachee
John F. Scarry

Political Lords and Political Ideology in Southeastern Chiefdoms: Comments and Observations
Mary W. Helms

Conclusions and Aporia

Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association Number 3
viii + 200 pages
ISBN 0-913167-48-7
8-1/2 x 11

To order this and other AAA publications, click here.


Updated 2/8/00