AD offers five individual membership categories that provide access to an international community sharing an interest in archaeology and the recognition of the value of scientific exchange that crosses all borders.
Why be a part of the AD?
By joining our community you will represent archaeology in the larger anthropological community and help the AAA represent archaeology in state, federal, and international agencies. Expand your voice as an officer by joining the Archaeology Division Executive Board.
Expand your career by participating in the AAA Annual Meeting. We encourage you to get published in the Archaeology Division of Anthropology News and the numerous journals offered by AnthroSource, a service of the American Anthropological Association that offers members and subscribing libraries full-text anthropological resources from the breadth and depth of the discipline.
Enjoy AD Member Benefits
- Members of the Archaeology Division receive online access to American Anthropologist and the Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association
- 25% discount on online orders from the AAA’s publication partner, Wiley-Blackwell
- Reduced membership rates in the Register of Professional Archaeologists
Additional Benefits
- Access the AAA’s group insurance plans
Find the right membership category for you
- Regular: $45
- Student $10
- Joint $15
- International $15
- Retired $15